French Translation Services

Language History
France once belonged in an ancient Western Europe region known as Gaul. The Gaulish (Celtic) language was soon replaced by Vulgar Latin when the region was conquered by Romans in the 2nd & 1st centuries BC. It was during the Germanic invasions in the 4th century AD when Vulgar Latin was infused with different Germanic dialects. The region, which then had a mixture of German settlers, mixed its Germanic, Celtic and Latin languages overtime to create what is known as the French language today.
“French is the language of love.”
Did you Know?
English words have French origin – In fact, 30% of the English language is French!
Words like “déjà vu” and “avant-garde” have even been adapted into everyday English lexicon.
French is a Romance Language
Learning French
French Dialects
“French is spoken in five continents across the globe and it looks to be spreading even further. It’s in no danger of disappearing any time soon!”
English – French Cognates
Population vs. Internet Penetration
French Speakers:
Internet Users:
As of 2017. Source:
Did you Know?
French Translation Tips
• Keep in mind that the letter ‘w’ only appears in foreign words within the language.
• Look out for false cognates – “attendre” doesn’t mean “attend”, it means “to wait”.
• Make sure you have full comprehension of the accents, genders, verb conjugation
and pronunciation of nasal sounds.
• Get used to linguistic rules such as replacing “ly” in English to “ement” in French.
• Avoid using general words like “très” or “choses”.
• Try not to use the passive voice unless it’s totally required – this is quite rare in
the French language.